A rising tide or sinking ship?

The Refined Life | Seay Stanford | Rising Tide |Sinking Ship | Leadership | Comraderie | Team Sports | rise above | attitude | treat other | choices

Ive had a go as a collegiate athlete, a nationally ranked NCAA soccer player, and later a corporate mentor.

Over the years I’ve had SOME experience in team leadership to boldly say this. ...

A TEAM will only ever be as strong as it’s weakest players. Period. If you’re on a team what are you gonna DO, knowing that? Do you criticize, blame, berate and alienate those players??

Doing that makes YOU the real opponent your team faces.

True leadership involves building and leveling players up. It means seeing strengths...and capitalizing them. It involves making your team feel like their passion & love for the game matters even when you are frustrated.

I’ve earned a few soccer, leadership and mentoring accolades in my life and through all the struggles I’ve faced, my dads 2 phrases always kept me grounded:

1) It’s not the size or talent of the dog in the fight, but the size of the heart one brings to the game that makes champions and…

2) the cream always rises to the top. But- don’t just be the cream.

Be the leader that rises EVERYONES level - no matter how great or crappy the game is going.

Team (ie: parent) sports are certainly a whole new breed from when I was young. But dang- I know that the real fundamentals that freakin WIN the season and more importantly win in life- haven’t changed.

Bitching at others makes you look like an ass. Believing in others wins championships.

Can we all agree to start teaching more of THAT to our kids on the court / field?


I’m Old enough to remember: The way clinical trials were done.
